Jupiter (age 5) *** Three. I liked it when it was the jello part, when the went into the jello, because it was bouncy. I didn't like the chicken part, 'cause it was scary because Baby Brent got aten..
Justice (age 3) ***** Fifty stars. (I liked) when it rained ice cream 'cause it was different colors. And when it rained hot dogs 'cause it was pretty.
James (age 7) ***** Five stars. I liked the man-eating fried chickens, but it was scary when they ate Baby Brent. And when the Dad kept messing up with the computer and the mouse when Flynn (Flint?) told him to move the mouse and he always mess up. In the beginning all the villagers could eat sardines and they got disgusted and Flynn made an invention to make water into food, and that saved the villagers. In the middle the food started getting bigger and bigger. There was spaghetti and meatball tornado and the meatballs were the size of a doorway and everything got spaghetti all over it and Flynn threw himself away because he felt bad for himeslf. He threw himself away with all of his other inventions, which he thought were dumb. In the end he invented a rocket car and he went up into outer space to a gigantic meatball. That was where all the food came from and the man-eating turkeys attacked and ate Baby Brent and then he became Chicken Brent. At the very end, at a part I don't like, Sam and Flynn kissed. Disgusting. And I liked the gigantic ice cream. And when Flynn got in trouble with the police officer. That police officer said, "I want my son to grow up to be good," and Flynn turned and the son of the police officer was so small. That part was really funny. And there was a sad part when Flynn made it rain meat at the restaurant to surprise his dad because his dad's favorite thing was meat and the meats were getting big so the dad didn't want to eat it and he left the restaurant. I want to keep writing and writing and writing because I have so much to say.
Adam: * I liked how the Popi had no eyeballs. I liked the monkey translator, but the food made me want to barf. Especially the fountains of liquid nacho cheese.
Stephanie: * One star. This movie was almost intolerable except for a few cute moments, like the monkey translator. Overall the script went on forever, with one grotesque scene after another. It was an endurance test for adults. As for the kids: they loved it. Loved it.