Mama: **I loved this movie as a kid. I wrote my first piece of fiction based on (stolen from) this movie at age 8. I remember the mysterious Captain Nemo, that cool submarine, the flooding, the giant squid. It sounds so cool when you sum it up! But my experience of it as an adult left me shaking my head. So boring! So much yaddy-yadding about themes that want to be big, but aren't. The little girls found in it absolutely nothing to love. There was a cute animal (a seal who does tricks) but not enough of him to engage them. As for pretty ladies with long hair, pickings were slim: Kirk Douglas has his arms around two prostitutes in the first scene. I have to admit the most entertaining part of the movie was watching Kirk Douglas as a charicature of a sailor. He seems to have it in his contract that he must occasionally take his shirt off and bare his tan chest. No belly-buttons allowed. Every kid fell asleep before the best scene. And the giant squid scene WAS cool, just like I remembered. There was geniunely lots of tension, the submarine flooding, Nemo carried off in its tentacles, bare-chested Kirk Douglas with a harpoon in his mitts and a dagger in his teeth. Too bad there wasn't more of all that! I did like the sets, red velvet and metal gears, all steampunk like.
James (age 6): *****I loved the giant squid attack. When only a little bit of it was above the surface and those huge green eyes, little green bits of glowing water came shooting out of them into the river--ohhh, that was the best. That was actually better than the giant squid attack. I sorta like the whole movie.
Jupiter (age 4): *I think it's one star.
Justice (age 2) No comment. Climbed all over Mama the entire movie.
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